A Great Day for Addiction Recovery in Georgia

A Great Day for Addiction Recovery in Georgia

It is a great day for addiction recovery in Georgia. Thanks to the leadership of Governor Brian Kemp, Commissioner Judy Fitzgerald, and the Georgia General Assembly, support for recovery programs are in a strong position as the process of adopting the FY21 Budget moves forward.

On behalf of a united statewide addiction recovery community, the Georgia Council on Substance Abuse (GCSA) is thankful to Governor Brian Kemp, Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan, Speaker David Ralston, Commissioner Judy Fitzgerald, the Members of the General Assembly, and all the staff who worked tirelessly to support recovery during this historic process.

Today, Commissioner Fitzgerald outlined a positive plan to support our Recovery Community. Thanks to Commissioner Fitzgerald and her team, and with the support of Governor Kemp and the General Assembly, addiction recovery programs will remain in place, communities will be stronger, families will be stronger, and lives will be saved.

GCSA thanks Commissioner Judy Fitzgerald for supporting restoration to the Addiction Recovery Support Centers (ARSC) across Georgia. These 16 facilities, also known as Recovery Community Organizations, are transformational, save taxpayer dollars, strengthen local communities, and save lives.

GCSA thanks Commissioner Judy Fitzgerald for supporting restoration of the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit program at Northeast Georgia Medical Center. This innovative program is strongly supported by both doctors and nurses as well as patients. It also is changing the culture of health care and contributing to a decrease in the number of days babies are staying in the NICU, resulting in substantial savings for our health care system.

Those of us in recovery know that it is important to say thank you. Today, GCSA says THANK YOU to Governor Brian Kemp, Lt. Governor Geoff Duncan, Speaker David Ralston, Commissioner Judy Fitzgerald and the members of the General Assembly for their strong support for addiction recovery in Georgia.

While this is a great day for recovery in Georgia, the legislative process is not yet over. The GCSA will continue to be in service to, and partnership with, all of our friends and allies in state government, especially, the over 30 bi-partisan members of the General Assembly Working Group on Addiction and Recovery, to advance these positive programs which make Georgia a healthier and stronger state.

Recovery is real.

 For Georgia,

Neil Campbell

Executive Director

Jeff Breedlove

Chief of Policy

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