Georgia Council on Substance Abuse Welcomes Peer Positive Appointments from President Biden Appointments to ONDCP and SAMHSA Offer Hope for Peer Led Recovery

Georgia Council on Substance Abuse Welcomes Peer Positive Appointments from President Biden
Appointments to ONDCP and SAMHSA Offer Hope for Peer Led Recovery

The Georgia Council on Substance Abuse (GCSA) welcomes the appointments by President Biden of Regina LaBelle as acting director of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and Tom Coderre  as acting Assistant Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Use / Administrator of the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

GCSA continues to encourage President Biden to appoint people with lived experience and trusted allies of peer led recovery to positions involving Substance Use Disorder.

For Additional Information
Jeff Breedlove
Chief of Policy and Communication
Georgia Council on Substance Abuse

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