GCSA Supports SB 105 The Probation Reform Act

The Georgia Council on Substance Abuse strongly supports SB 105 by Senator Brian Strickland.  The Georgia Recovery Community calls on the General Assembly to support this transformation legislation with unanimous bi-partisan support.

Georgia leads the nation in the number of people on probation and in length of probation sentences. SB 105 creates a unified process with clear criteria for early termination of felony probation that will make previous reforms work, and will unlock opportunities for people to earn early termination after three years through good behavior. SB 105 would be retroactive and apply to anyone on probation who met the criteria.

This important legislation will help the 203,000 Georgians on probation, many of whom who suffer from Substance Use Disorder and should never have been a part of the criminal justice system but, correctly, should have received the medical attention they need and deserve.

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