GCSA Legislative Update 9 March 2020

GCSA Legislative Update 9 March 2020

It was a week marked by stormy rain outside and intense work inside the Gold Dome as legislators and lobbyists navigated floods of rainwater and legislation as the General Assembly moved closer to Crossover Day – which will occur later this week.

Completing a week filled with substantial floor and committee action the General Assembly adjourned on Thursday for a three day district work session – certainly, the calm before what will be more downpours of both rain and legislation this week.

The focus for the Georgia recovery community was Senate Bill 311 by Senator Kay Kirkpatrick and working to grow the membership of the Working Group on Addiction and Recovery.

The House Appropriations Committee is slated to unveil its version of the FY21 Budget proposal this week, perhaps as early as Monday. GCSA continues to work with the Members of the Working Group on Addiction and Recovery to ensure bi-partisan support for recovery programs in the Budget.

GCSA Executive Director Neil Campbell gave testimony in support of SB 311 by Senator Kay Kirkpatrick which prohibits any person or healthcare provider from paying or offering to pay a commission, benefit, bonus, rebate, kickback, or bribe, or participate in any agreement to induce the referral of a patient to or from a healthcare provider.

The bill also creates a new fraudulent insurance act for high-tech drug testing.

This much needed legislation will protect both those in recovery and their families from those who would exploit and harm for profit.

GCSA encourages a strong bi-partisan vote to pass this important legislation. Thank you to Senator Kay Kirkpatrick for sponsoring this pro recovery community legislation.

Read Neil Campbell’s testimony here

Laurisa Guerrero, Jamie Roberts, and Bianca Prieto represented Team GCSA at Nurses Day at your state Capitol celebrating the International Year of Nursing- GCSA loves Georgia Nurses.

GCSA Executive Director Neil Campbell and Rep. Erick Allen discussing the Georgia Recovers campaign. The campaign with Georgia Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities is saving lives across Georgia.


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