GCSA Urges President-Elect Biden: Nominate Peers in Recovery for ONDCP & SAMHSA

The Georgia Council on Substance Abuse urges President-Elect Joe Biden to nominate peers in recovery from Substance Use Disorder to serve in the critically important positions of Director of The White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP) and the Assistant Secretary of The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA).

The most important voice in the process of recovery is the peer voice. Sustainable recovery will never occur without the perspective and lived experience of persons in long term recovery. Given that there are over 26 MILLION Americans in long term recovery from Substance Use Disorder, GCSA, respectfully, puts forth the premise that President-Elect Biden can shatter the stigma surrounding Substance Use Disorder, advance effective recovery programs, and save lives with by making these appointments with peers in long term recovery.

Everyone in recovery respects Secretary of Health and Human Services Designate Xavier Becerra, Surgeon General Designate Dr. Vivek Murthy, and CDC Director Designate Dr. Rochelle Walensky. There is no doubting or questioning their support or intentions. However, they are not in recovery from Substance Use Disorder. These two critical positions, out of thousands in the Federal Government, deserve to be led by persons with the lived experience and perspective necessary to understand the true impacts of this terrible disease.

The Georgia Council on Substance Abuse continues to urge President-Elect Biden to address the Substance Use Disorder crisis in America as a public health issue and to reprioritize of the Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), including the elevation of the Director to Cabinet-level.

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