The Georgia Council on Substance Abuse Is Now The Georgia Council for Recovery: Freedom From Addiction


The Georgia Council on Substance Abuse Is Now

 The Georgia Council for Recovery: Freedom From Addiction

From Neil Campbell:

The Georgia Council on Substance Abuse came into existence as a nonprofit 501(c)(3) in the year 2000, as a merger between 2 community-based organizations, Mission New Hope and the Georgia Association for the Prevention and Treatment of Substance Abuse.  In 2008, there was a change in leadership and the focus expanded to include the voices of recovery.  Since then, GCSA has been your exclusive statewide Recovery Community Organization, leading the effort to educate, advocate and create safe and empowering environments that support the dignity and value of what’s right and what’s working with individuals, communities and systems across Georgia. 

It has been our honor, and privilege, to be of service to the Georgia Recovery Community. While we are very proud of the work we have done under the banner: Georgia Council on Substance Abuse, we have long discussed an organizational name change. Recently, the Biden Administration took actions to remove the word “abuse” from all Federal entities who have that word in their name. We know that with this action at the Federal level, the time is right for us to move forward with a new name because we know that words matter.

On behalf of the Board of Directors, it is with great pride and excitement that I introduce our new name, moving us forward as we increase  the impact of recovery in our communities through education, advocacy, training and peer recovery support services:

The Georgia Council for Recovery: Freedom From Addiction

We feel this is reflective of who we are and what we do.  It’s inclusive of all types of advocacies (for ourselves, for our peers, and for the system as a whole).  It complements the cornerstone of our work over the past 22 years.

While our name is changing, our commitment to the recovery is not, we will move forward advocating, educations, providing services, and connection people with peer led recovery.


Jeff Breedlove

Chief of Policy and Communications

The Georgia Council for Recovery



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