The MATE ACT Will Save Lives
The MATE ACT Will Improve Treatment

The Georgia Council for Recovery

The MATE ACT Will Save Lives

The MATE ACT Will Improve Treatment


The Georgia Council for Recoverycongratulates Congress for their bipartisan passage of The MATE Act. The MATE Act will expand addiction education to healthcare providers, providing that medical providers will receive training on how to treat patients with substance use disorders. The Georgia Council for Recovery thanks these bill sponsors for their bipartisan leadership on The MATE Act bill sponsors: Reps. Buddy Carter (R-GA) , David Trone (D-MD), , Lori Trahan (D-MA), and Senators Michael Bennet (D-CO) and Susan Collins (R-ME).

“The MATE Act provides substantive change, in that, it will change the culture as to how healthcare providers are educated on effective recovery supports and will save lives by removing harmful barriers to treatment by allowing more people to access medications to sustain and support recovery,” said Neil Campbell, Executive Director, Georgia Council for Recovery.

“Last year over 108,000 Americans died of overdoses. The MATE Act will help change the discussion and encourage key stakeholders to start treating addiction as the chronic medical issue it is as opposed to a criminal justice issue addressed in a top down purely clinical manner,” said Jeff Breedlove, Chief of Policy and Communications , Georgia Council for Recovery.

“The Georgia Council for Recovery thanks Congress for working in a bipartisan manner. The GC4R, especially, thanks Georgia Congressman Buddy Carter for his leadership on this important medical issue. As a result of The MATE Act, lives will be saved; more people will embrace recovery, families will be stronger and communities, will be safer,” said Breedlove.

“The MATE ACT will allow more people in Georgia and across America to access lifesaving treatment which will be more peer friendly and effective. The MATE Act is an example of how strong bipartisan leadership can improve the system and save lives,” said Campbell.


For Additional Information
Jeff Breedlove

Chief of Policy 

Georgia Council for Recovery



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